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Welcome to my blog, for those of people who want to know about what are natural disasters, this is a place to visit! you'll learn so much things that happens with natural disasters and hope you will enjoy!

Monday, March 7, 2011

How can people stop the effects of a natural disaster?

 Again this is with not only to the careless people but also the smart ones that know what to do if one strikes.
this chart of things will tell you how to escape/recover from a natural disaster. Global warming is caused by the green house gases we produce that kills our atmosphere making the average global temperature increasing which is why the ice caps are melting. this is increasing water levels and now is creating more hurricanes and more floods around the world.
People can prevent a natural disaster for instance a fire: 1. flush out a fire(campfire) before you leave (can cause a forest fire). or a can stop smog if we stopped driving cars so much or any transportation  devices.

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